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Haneberg, W.C., Johnson, S.E. & Gurung, N., 2021, “Response of the Laprak, Nepal, landslide to the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake”. Natural Hazards.
Dilworth, J.R., M.M. McGlue, R.J. Thigpen, S.J. Brown, K.M. Yeager, E.W. Woolery, S.E. Johnson, S.J. Whitehead, C.J. Cortese, and C. Matocha, 2024, “Holocene Paleoenvironmental History of Jackson Lake (Grand Teton National Park, USA) Deduced from CHIRP Seismic Reflection and Radiocarbon-Dated Sediment Cores.” Quaternary Science Reviews 336: 108748.
McGlue, M. M., Dilworth, J. R., Johnson, H. L., Whitehead, S. J., Thigpen, R., Yeager, K. M., Woolery, E. W., Brown, S. J., Johnson, S. E., Cearley, C. S., Clark, G., Dixon, T. S., Goldsby, R., Helfrich, A. L., Hodelka, B. N., Lo, E. L., Domingos Luz, L., Powell, N. E., Rasbold, G. G., Swanger, W. R., 2023, Dam emplacement and water level changes affect sublacustrine geomorphology and recent sedimentation in Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming, USA), Earth Systems Science and Society,