Welcome to the Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology Research Cluster home page. We are a community of researchers at UK working in various sub-disciplines of sedimentary geology. Our members include faculty and students in EES, researchers at the KGS, and researchers at CAER. Please feel free to explore these pages and contact us with questions.
Our current research areas include:
1) Marine and Petroleum Geology (Ettensohn, Yeager, McGlue, Erhardt, Thigpen, Harris, Greb, Nuttall, Bowersox, Eble, Parris, Hickman, Gooding, Hower)
2) Sedimentary Geochemistry and Radiochemistry (Moecher, Yeager, McGlue, Parris, Eble)
3) Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Ettensohn, McGlue, Freeman, Greb, Bowersox, Hickman)
4) Invertebrate Paleontology and Paleoecology (Ettensohn, Freeman, Eble)
5) Quaternary Studies (Yeager, McGlue)
6) Coal Geology (Greb, Eble, Hower)
Early Eocene Green River Formation in eastern Utah - some of the best-studied lacustrine oil shales in the United States (photo: M. McGlue).
Dr. Rebecca Freeman at work on a Paleozoic outcrop in the western United States (photo: R. Freeman)
Dr. Kevin Yeager at work in the Gulf of Mexico, recovering a multi-core suite of Holocene sediments (photo: K. Schindler)
Dr. Steve Greb leading a field trip on the depositional environments associated with coal in eastern KY (photo: KGS)
UK students and faculty using shallow seismic reflection methods to image Cambrian sandstones (photo: P. Baldwin)