* denotes student, †denotes corresponding author
Lyon, E.C.*, Erhardt, A.M., Streib, L.C.*, Zimmerman, S.R. and McGlue, M.M., 2025. A high-resolution record of Late Holocene drought in the eastern Sierra Nevada (California, USA) from June Lake carbonate geochemistry. Quaternary Research, pp.1-15.
Lo, E.L.*, McGlue, M.M., Matocha, C.J., Silva, A., Rasbold, G.G., Kuerten, S., Louzada, R.O. and Haller, K.C., 2024. Pantanal Basin river muds from source to sink: compositional changes in a tropical back-bulge depozone. Sedimentologika, 2(1).Lo, E.L., McGlue, M.M., Matocha, C.J., Silva, A., Rasbold, G.G., Kuerten, S., Louzada, R.O. and Haller, K.C., 2024. Pantanal Basin river muds from source to sink: compositional changes in a tropical back-bulge depozone. Sedimentologika, 2(1).
Domingos-Luz, L.*, Soreghan, M.J., Rasbold, G.G., Ellis, G.S., Birdwell, J.E., Kimirei, I.A., Scholz, C.A. and McGlue, M.M., 2024. Middle and Late Holocene paleolimnological changes in central Lake Tanganyika: Integrated evidence from the Kavala Island Ridge (Tanzania). The Holocene, p.09596836241254475.
Hodelka, B.N.*, McGlue, M.M., Palacios‐Fest, M.R., Benfield, A.J., Ivory, S.J., Starratt, S.W. and Zimmerman, S.R., 2024. Late Quaternary ostracode stratigraphy of Mono Lake (California, USA): evidence for benthic ecosystem sensitivity to climate change. Journal of Quaternary Science, 39(4), pp.648-664.
Dilworth, J.R.*, McGlue, M.M., Thigpen, R.J., Brown, S.J., Yeager, K.M., Woolery, E.W., Johnson, S.E., Whitehead, S.J., Cortese, C.J. and Matocha, C., 2024. Holocene paleoenvironmental history of Jackson Lake (Grand Teton National Park, USA) deduced from CHIRP seismic reflection and radiocarbon-dated sediment cores. Quaternary Science Reviews, 336, p.108748.
Rasbold, G.G., Pessenda, L.C.R., De Oliveira, P.E., Alves, E.E.N., Silva, D.R., Carvalho, H.W., Bendassolli, J.A., Montes, C.R., Melfi, A.J. and McGlue, M.M., 2024. Holocene limnological changes in saline and freshwater lakes, Lower Nhecolândia, Pantanal, Brazil. Hydrobiologia, 851(7), pp.1723-1739.
Lo, E.L.*, Silva, A., Kuerten, S., Louzada, R.O., Rasbold, G.G. and McGlue, M.M., 2023. Source-to-sink controls on modern fluvial sands in the Pantanal back-bulge basin (Brazil). Sedimentologika, 1(1).
Dilworth, J.*, Stone, J.S., Yeager, K., Thigpen, R.T., and McGlue, M.M., (2023) Fossil diatoms reveal environmental and anthropogenic history of Jackson Lake (Wyoming), 1650-2019 CE. ES3 – Earth Science Systems and Society doi:10.3389/esss.2023.10065
Benfield, A.J.*, Ivory, S.J., Hodelka, B.N.*, Zimmerman, S.R.H., McGlue, M.M., (2023) Terrestrial ecosystem transformations in response to rapid climate change during the last deglaciation aaround Mono Lake, California, USA. Quaternary Research doi:10.1017/qua.2022.70
McGlue, M.M., Dilworth, J.R.*, Johnson, H.L.*, Whitehead, S.*, Thigpen, J.R., Yeager, K.M., Woolery, E.W., Brown, S.J., Cearley, C.*, Clark, G.*, Dixon, T.S.*, Goldsby, R.C.*, Helfrich, A.*, Hodelka, B.N.*, Johnson, S.E.*, Lo, E.L.*, Domingos Luz, L.*, Powell, N.*, Rasbold, G.G.*, Swanger, W.* (2023) Effect of dam emplacement and water level changes on sublacustrine geomorphology and recent sedimentation in Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming, USA). ES3 – Earth Science Systems and Society doi: 10.3389/esss.2023.10066
Johnson, S.*, Swallom, M.*, Thigpen, R., McGlue, M.M., Woolery, E., Yeager, K., (2022) Quantifying post-glacial denudation rates in the Teton Range, Wyoming. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 592, 117643
Lo, E.L.*, Yeager, K.M., Bergier, I., Silva, A., McGlue, M.M., (2022), Sediment infill of tropical floodplain lakes: rates, controls, and implications for ecosystem services. Frontiers in Earth Science DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.875919
Rasbold, G.G., Pinheiro, U., Luz, L.D.*, Dilworth, J.*, Thigpen, R.T., Passenda, L.C., McGlue, M.M., (2022) First evidence of a freshwater sponge fauna in Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (USA). Inland Waters DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2022.2035190