Professor Dhananjay Ravat received his B.Sc. degree in geology from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in geophysics from Purdue University, USA. He has taught and conducted research at Southern Illinois University Carbondale in Illinois, USA (1991-2007) and since then at University of Kentucky on topics pertaining to exploration of the earth and planets with gravity and magnetic fields, solid-earth geophysics, tectonics and environmental geophysics. From August 2007, he joined University of Kentucky, where he has been the Chair of Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences. He is presently an associate editor of Frontiers in Earth Science - Solid Earth section. He also has been an associate editor of Geophysics (2001-2005), Near Surface Geophysics (2008-2017), and has edited special issues of Seismological Research Letters, The Leading Edge, and International Journal of Earth Science. He is a life member of Geological Society of India (Fellow), American Geophysical Union, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, International Association of Mathematical Geology and a member of American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Geophysics and Planetary Sciences
- Earth & Environmental Sciences
- Physics & Astronomy