- The Kentucky Geological Survey provides a variety of resources for K-16, particularly focused on Kentucky: https://www.uky.edu/KGS/education/
- Looking to identify that fossil you found in Kentucky? Our local fossil clubs can help.
- Dry Dredgers http://drydredgers.org/
- Kentucky Paleontological Survey http://www.uky.edu/OtherOrgs/KPS/
- Faculty and a graduate student developed three online modules about water, suitable for 9-14. These were originally part of a project involving high schools in Kentucky and India, so use case studies from both places. The modules include videos, PowerPoint, exercises, and assessment materials: https://sites.google.com/view/wiiky-friends/home
- Lesson plan about the properties of water, written by a EES faculty member, which includes PowerPoint and video as well as handouts, all posted online: https://tos.org/oceanography/article/leveraging-student-experience-with-water-for-active-learning-in-a-large-int
- Using Canvas as an LMS? We have published several exercise for Introductory Oceanography in the Canvas Commons. Search for the following terms:
- Explore Earth’s oceans using Google Earth
- Use Google Earth to explore the features of the seafloor
- Use Google Earth to explore relationships between ocean currents, sea surface temperatures, and climate
- Review the properties of water
- Explore “Mystery Marine Organisms”
- Use Google Earth to examine coastlines for signs of erosion and deposition
- Use Google Earth to explore the relationship between sea level change and shoreline features
- Use Google Earth and Google Earth Street View to understand coral reef problems
Flash! Here are direct links to several cool interactive physical geology topics. You might need the Macromedia Flash or Shockwave browser plug-in (free) to see them:
- Rock Cycle Animation: including photos and descriptions
- Mineral Animation: including 3D models and good descriptions of mineral properties
- Igneous Rocks Animation: with textures and compositions
- Weathering Animation: physical and chemical mechanisms explained and illustrated
- Sedimentary Rocks Animation: from depositional environments to texture and composition
- Metamorphic Rocks Animation: with facies and relationship to plate tectonics
- Faults and Folds Animation: elastic, brittle, ductile strain, and relationship to tectonic stresses
- Earth Structure Animation: what we know about the mantle and core from earthquake seismology
- Plate Tectonics Animation: with an interactive map, volcanoes, quakes, rates of plate motion
- Groundwater Animation: with seasonally fluctuating ground water levels
- River Flood Animation: with watersheds, discharge, hydrographs, and flood control methods
- Mass Movement Animation: covering mechanisms and an interactive landslide game
- Glacier Animation: accumulation, ablation, and glacial landscape evolution
- Shorelines Animation: coastal erosion, longshore drift, engineering methods (from www.ck12.org)
- Educational Resources for K-16
These modules were originally developed by Smoothstone (RIP) for Houghton Mifflin Company.
They are shown here for promotional purposes courtesy of Houghton Mifflin.
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